Emergency space solution
With natural disasters becoming more common in modern times, a greater emphasis and need has been placed on systems and procedures promulgated to deal with these occurrences as they arise most efficiently and effectively. With maximum system flexibility, we can offer facility expansion owing to increased demand or a complete standalone facility. Our modular structures can be modified to accommodate any size footprint, meaning that we can always deliver a building that allows you to make maximum use of your available space. We work fast, ensuring a completely operational facility in the shortest possible time, often within days of our first contact. Our buildings can be used for many years without putting pressure on your current facilities.

We offer:
Emergency disaster relief facilities
Refugee housing
Emergency supply secure storage facilities
Food distribution and secure storage facilities
Medical ward facilities
Medical triage facilities
Isolation facilities complete with negative pressure modules
Drive-Thru vaccination centres
Our designs take social distancing protocols into account and a safe work environment for healthcare workers. We offer office and canteen space for medical personnel and our facilities can be delivered turnkey, including all utilities and facilities.